Term |
Price |
Summer season 01.07 - 30.09 |
100 € Object
/ night |
Winter season 01.10 - 30.06 |
100 € Object
/ night |
Yearly |
2 € Pet /
night |
Payment on arrival |
Tourist tax - a person older than 14 years |
0.60 € |
Refundable deposit |
50.00 € |
Power consumption - pay extra during heating period |
by consumption |
The maximum capacity:
8 persons
Minimum capacity:
1 person
Number of Bedrooms:
2 bedrooms
Types of bedrooms:
Minimum length of stay:
2 nights
Number of bathrooms:
1 bathroom
Number of WC:
1 toilet
Independent groups of guests:
in the object is possible to accommodate only one single group
Balcony in some rooms, Rooms with double bed (some only)
1x kitchen (Electric stove (double cooker), Microwave, Fridge, Freezer, Coffeemaker)
1x dayroom (Fireplace, Radio, Parlor games)
Bathrooms / toilets:
1x bathroom, 1x toilet
Internet connection:
Web page:
Near the accommodation:
Grill, Goulash-kettle, Outdoor fireplace, Terrace, Outdoor seating
No meals served
Useful information
Property type:
Property in working order:
from 14:00 until 20:00
until 10:00
Parking options:
4 parking places - up to 50 m
Does the owner live in property?
NO, owner is not available in the property during your stay
Pet friendly:
ALLOWED, no limitation, for a fee
Is this accommodation fenced?
NO, accommodation is not fenced
It this accommodation disabled accessible?
NO, the object has no disabled access
Electrical, For solid fuel, By fireplace
Is smoking allowed there?
NO, smoking is not allowed
T-Mobile, Orange, O2
Additional information
Location of accommodation:
in the recreation area
Specify the location of property:
in the forest, in the recreation area, by the river
Sports and other activities in the area within 15 km:
Cross-country trails (cross-country skiing), Billiard, Bowling, Cycling / Biking, Fitness center, Football field, Mushrooming, Horseback riding, Ice Skating (inline, roller), Skating on ice, Indoor swimming pool, Skiing, Small sports hall, Massage, Outdoor swimming pool, Fishing, Sauna, Solarium, Table tennis, Tennis, Hiking, Multi-purpose sports hall, Wellness, Ice rink
Accommondation suitable for:
for families, for tourists, for groups
Accommondation suitable for:
for a winter break, for a spring break, active holidays, weekend stays, summer holiday, for summer
Contacts to the owner
Contact person:
Marián Režnický
The owners / property manager can speak:
Slovak, Czech, Polish, English, German, Russian
+421 903 819 140
Oficiálna stránka: www.chatapriprameni.sk
Marián Režnický
Čingov 3147
Slovenský raj - Smižany
053 11